Campfire Story
by Florence Hazrat
hey, when r u coming?
just left the store, am in the bus now. where r u?
still at the camp, just waiting for you to
woah, are you flirting with me? ;)
sent the text too early
waiting for you to come bring the food for the trip
are you sure? because I like you, my pretty lady
Joe, don't. just don't. u know I have a BF
still Cole?
still Cole, and very happy thx
well I'm right here if you change your mind
JOE NO! just get a move on. we can't leave without food
just sayin
stop saying&come
will be with you in 1 hour max.
the kids are getting excited
cool. how's lil G?
Georgie is good, his foot is better, think he'll be fine on the trip
great, c u in a bit
c u
still waiting
Meg, sorry, massive traffic jam on the highway
when will you be here?
dunno, maybe another hour, will ask the driver
1 HOUR?! Joe, the kids are keen, all is packed up
they are getting restless, we're ready to go
please hurry
well it's not my fault. I can't change the traffic
yeah, just don't waste any more time
we need to go before it gets dark
Meg, I'm not Harry Potter, I can't do magic!
but hey, gorgeous, you must be a witch, cause
you've cast a spell on me
no comment.
haha, come on, it's just fun
not for me. You know Cole is jealous anyway that
we're working together at this scouts thing this year
don't give him extra cause
what, he gonna beat me up?
oooh, me so scared
big fat gorilla man, beat up guy with glasses
yep, and that's exactly why we're not together, Joe
because I wear glasses?
God, you are so stupid
but anyway, just be careful, he can be a bit...
explosive sometimes
whatever Meg, it's your choice
is everything ok at the camp by the way?
sure, why?
just wondering
people here on the bus said weird stuff
what, what weird?
dunno, just weird. that campers in our area should be careful
what? careful of what Joe?!
it's just too weird
r u gonna tell me now or not?!
yeah so they said that
and by the way, if u wanna scare me, u can't
also that's really low. just because I'm not into you
you scare me with some stupid campfire story
Joe, what did the radio say?
sorry, my mum just called
so, apparently campers in the Pearson Wood area have found weird stuff
like, um, not sure you wanna know
Joe, seriously?
this is so gonna creep you out
and if you didn't find anything strange, then better not to know
ok, so, a bit north from where we are, someone found dead animals
yeah, well, we're in the wild, so...
course, but they were kind of
masses and masses, and not eaten at all, just ravaged and left
Joe, if this is a joke to scare me, stop it
it's not funny, it's just sad
Meg, I swear
you mean it's my big fat gorilla bf, running wild in the woods
no. no, though that would be funny haha
I wouldn't have asked you if - wait
what. what wait
your mum again?
yeah, so, she sent me a text
Meg, I'm really a bit concerned
she heard that the police asked campers to leave the part of the woods we're in
why? it's just nature, blood and bones and death
yeah, but they aren't sure if it's an animal
or what, a human?
dunno what to think of it, it's weird like I said, some creature
did you see anything unusual?
Meg talk to me!
just had a look around the camp
Joe. oh crap, Joe
what is it????? did you find anything?!
George is gone
no way!
i cant find him
well, he can't be very far, he hurt is foot yesterday. Meg, don't worry
he's probably just wandering around a bit, or hiding or something
i dont know what to do, what if...
Meg, no. no what if. stay calm, breathe
where are the other kids?
they are here, but they haven't seen G for a couple of hours
HOURS?! and where were u??? you have responsibility for them!
what????!!! omg i am alone here with 10 kids because you have fun in town
or did Cole pay a little surprise visit and made you neglect your duties?
ok sorry, let's not quarrel, we need to find him before...
oh God, Joe, no, don't say such things
ok, stay calm, the bus is just arriving at the stop. and Meg?
I'm sorry for being a...being annoying sometimes. let's be friends again, just friends.
it's ok. It's good to have you as a "just friend" :)
I'll be with you in no time
right, am on the path to the camp now. wow, it's so dark here!
hey, r u there? keep texting please, so I know things r ok
sorry my connection is bad
will be there in a sec
I have to go find him, I have to find George
Meg stay with the kids!
I'll leave them here to wait for you
NO! stay where u r!!! it's getting dark
they're in my tent, i'm going. i ve to find G
I'm in the wood now
GO BACK! are you mad??? it's dark!
i have a flashlight, can u see me?
not yet
omg, i just heard something
i'm coming!
Joe i'm scared
go back!
i can t see the path anymore
stay where u r, i think i can see your light
i heard a crack
there's something out there!
omg Meg, hell, wait for me
there was a growl, Joe help!
go back!
i don't know where the camp is
i ll come & find u now
something is crashing through the bushes!
it's coming towards me!!!!!
MEG RUN!!!!!
where is your light, i can t c your light anymore
Meg, r u there?????
Meg? i m here, i m