Dead of Night - Part 6
by Ada Woods
that’s when I first tried reaching you again
did you ever see my texts?
are you seeing these now?
anyway, this is what happened next:
hey Adam
are you there?
you were right
I need help
my mom if a fucking zombie
my dad is MIA
and I just shot my boyfriend’s dad!!
now his mom AND his dad are dead
I just made Christian an orphan holy fuck
and I haven’t even told him
haven’t responded to his texts
and he just told me…
I hate that I feel this but
for some reason I just can’t trust him right now
his dad was being shady af
what does Christian know that I don’t?
and what isn’t he telling me??
god what is WRONG with me?
I’m shaking…
just trying to stay calm as I drive as far away from Fort Hood as I can
just like my dad keeps telling me to do
north toward Dallas, Ada – just stay focused
I feel like I’m in a nightmare and I can’t wake up
my parents aren’t who I thought they were…
creating weapons of mass destruction for the government??!
lying to me my entire life about who they are…
I don’t know what or who to believe anymore
and I still can’t figure out who that guy at the door was
and why he wanted *me*?
what do I have to do with any of this??
if you’re out there still Adam
please answer me
I’ll believe you now