Snakebite - Part 1
by Craig Pearson
I’m in trouble.
What happened?
The snakes got loose.
WHAT?! Where?
Inside the lab!
Where are you?
On top of the filing cabinet…
With your baseball bat.
What color are they?
Neon green. Why?
You need to get out NOW.
I can’t! I'm scared.
Em, listen. There's something I haven't told you...
About the snakes.
What are you talking about?
How do you think they got out?
I don't know...
The cage was open when I got here.
James, what do I do!? They’re everywhere!!!
Just stay calm!
And look for a way out.
Then I'll explain everything, I promise.
I’m trapped.
Breathe, Em. And think…
Look around you…
The air vents! I can reach a vent from here.
Do you think I can crawl through?
Shit. It’s locked.
Wait, are you still standing on the filing cabinet?
Can you reach the top drawer?
Open it. You’ll see a ring of keys.
Look inside. You’ll see a ring of keys.
I see them!
The small green one should open the vent.
It worked!
How did you know these were here?
It doesn’t matter. Just get to safety.
I’m afraid to turn my back to the snakes.
Like they’re on fire or something!!
Listen. Just knock them back with the bat.
I can’t do that…
I don’t want to hurt them.
Em, are you crazy? They’re killers!
If they bite you, you die. Believe me.
Something’s not right…
I’ve never seen the snakes act like this before.
Then I will tell you what’s going on.
What’s wrong with you?
And why aren’t you in the lab today?
Did you unlock the vent?
Okay, okay - I’m reaching behind me…
Got it! I just crawled inside.
I think I’m safe.
Head straight to the back - it should get you to the maintenance room.
Alright, I’m on my way. Now tell me what's going on.
Something is seriously wrong.
I've never seen the snakes act like this before.
I've been working with these snakes for two years.
I've never seen them like this.
Emma…these aren’t the snakes you know
Two years ago…they were a different beast…
It was a different time.
What are you talking about?
The lab was collecting venom to produce pain relief medication.
I know, James. I've worked here longer than you have.
Just listen.
Back then, we were editing genes to make the snakes more docile.
To reduce risk to the handlers.
And it was working!
I spend all day handling the snakes.
And I've never ONCE been attacked or bit.
Sometimes, they even wrap their tail around my arm...
It’s like a little snake hug.
I know. I've seen how you are with them.
It's what made me fall for you, Em.
These snakes would NEVER hurt anyone.
I know. But there's something I didn't tell you...
The project changed.
Since last year, I've been working with Daria on gene editing.
And we found that when you change one gene, other changes follow.
Like how the more docile snakes also became smarter.
They can navigate mazes, solve puzzles.
They even relate to humans.
But there was another change.
The docile snakes also produced weaker venom.
So Daria's investors weren't happy.
And we had to change the experiment.
Change HOW, exactly?
We started engineering snakes with more powerful venom.
So we could make more powerful drugs.
We inserted a gene for neon green scales, so we could identify them.
And we kept them in a locked room.
Only Daria and I have the key.
How long have you been doing this?
Six months.
And you never told me??
Daria made me sign a contract.
I can’t believe it.
This is the “old James” all over again…
Sneaking off, keeping secrets.
I thought the cigarettes were bad…
But this?
How can I trust you?
There's something else.
I can hear something behind me.
Are you still in the vent?
I’m crawling, but it’s hard.
And there’s this sound behind me…
Can you see anything?
Not much. But…
I think something’s glowing?
It’s like, a faint green light…
I think it’s one of the snakes.
And it’s coming this way.
Emma, GO!
I can’t lose you. Not like this.
I’m trying…
My elbows are all scraped up.
It’s so cramped in here!
If you don’t get out of there, I’ll never forgive myself.
James. It’s not your fault.
The snake just hissed.
I’ve never heard them do that.
I told you, Em.
These snakes are different.
I can see the end of the vent!
I don’t know if I can make it…
DON’T. GIVE. UP. You’re stronger than that.
I know you.
I know you can make it.
You got this.
I’m out.
I’m in the maintenance room.
But before I go back into that hallway…
You have to tell me everything.
When we changed the venom…
Something else changed too.
The snakes were still smart, but they became...
And these are the snakes that escaped?
And if you don't leave the facility, they will find you.
They've already unlocked their cage.
That means they can unlock doors.
Even the maintenance room isn’t safe. They’ll come for you.
Why didn't you stop the experiment once you saw the side effects?
Look, Daria is close to a deal with a drug company.
The profits could be huge.
But you're making the snakes suffer.
You haven’t seen what I just saw back there..
They were squirming and thrashing...
Like they were in pain.
I don't know what to tell you, Em.
How about the truth?
Why did you lie to me?
I didn't lie.
I just didn't say anything.
But I’m telling you the truth now.
And if you don’t leave the facility ASAP...
I promise you, bad things are going to happen.
Alright. I'm in the main corridor.
Let me know as soon as you're safe outside.
Then I'll call Daria.
I can't let you do that.
If I leave the facility, the snakes die.
Someone will come to exterminate them.
But if you stay, YOU die!
Em, I'm serious.
There has to be a way to fix this…
I don't want blood on my hands.
The snakes don't deserve this.
I'm going to call the police.
I can hear something outside the door.
You mean… outside the facility?
There's someone trying to get in.
Who did you call?
I didn't call anyone!
I'm looking through the window...
OMG. No.
It's Daria.
The snakes must have tripped an alarm.
She probably got notified as soon as they escaped their cage.
Then why does she have a GUN?
She's banging on the door and yelling.
But I can't hear what she’s saying.
What are you waiting for?
Let her in.
Something doesn't feel right...
Hang on. It's gone quiet.
Emma, is that you in there?
I see you, kiddo.
Open the goddamn door.
Or there’s gonna be trouble.